The second edition of the Arkati Foundation Day organized by Vassallo Group was successfully held on the 4th of March. The foundation, established in 1991 involves and encourages employees to make donations towards the Arkati Fund. The Arkati Foundation utilises the funds to help employees forming part of the Group who have been affected by extenuating circumstances, such as illness, the death of a relative, or other misfortunes.
“Last year, we experienced an increase in request for assistance when compared to the previous year”. This is certainly a result of more awareness of this fund amongst our employees, commented the Group’s Director of HR and Communications, Mr Charlo Bonnici. “This year we have also received various donations from our Arkati Ambassadors, representing employees working in one of our subsidiary companies, who got together to organize social events and raise funds for the foundation. We also received donations from some of our clients who appreciated what we are doing.”
Mr Joseph Saliba, President of the Arkati Foundation spoke about the importance of this event, whereby all employees are everyday encouraged to become members. “We would never augur to anyone, to ever resort for the foundation’s support, but no one knows how the instances in life might occur.
During Arkati Foundation Day, Group’s Chairman Mr Nazzareno Vassallo together with Mr Joseph Saliba and board members visited various employees at all CareMalta homes, at Construction sites, at Cateressence and Vassallo Group’s head office to promote the importance of such initiative.